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                   Web tools- Theres are some good and cool webtools for u they are 100% free choose the tool that u want and make it enojoy :)


 Flash generators. . .

Flash Navbar
Flash navigational bar generator. Several button styles to choose from, with more being added regularly..
Flash ToolTip
Flash-based content tooltips, triggered by JavaScript.
Flash Status Bar
Flash-based status bar, for content notes, triggered by JavaScript. 
Flash Drop-Down
Floating, expandable drop-down menu.
Graphic Generators . . .
Graphic Navbar
Graphic button navigational bar generator. More than 20 styles to choose from. 
Animated button maker
Create cool buttons with cool back grounds or get a back ground from somehere on the net and make it a button .
DHTML/CSS Generators . . .
CSS Navbar
CSS-based navigational bar generator. Extremely customizable.
Floating, expandable DHTML 'Dock Menu'.  
DHTML content tooltips. 2 Content areas, customizable appearance.
    JavaScript/CSS Coders . . .
CSS Coder
Quick tool for creating CSS tags for buttons, forms, and text. 
Pop-Up Coder
Window pop-up coder. Select your window's options, and the JavaScript is created for you. 
IE5.5 Scrollbars                                         
Internet Explorer 5.5+ scrollbar theme coder. 


Status bar messege

Make status messeges scroll on the bottom of the pafe pretty cool.

Navegation  java script makers. . .
Menu wirth description
Create a cool navegation menu with side description on over mouse link description .
Menu Bar
Create a cool menu bar  on mouse over effects and so easy to make . 

Form, wep page makers . . .
Html web page maker
Quick tool for creating very cool webpages with just some nice easy to use actions link adding etc.
Feed back Form Maker
Create simple feed back aplications with this tool easy and all the info submited goes right in to your email automaicaly. 




                                                                   Module  by : Miguel from 

                                                 Copyright 2002  code generators by SearchBliss  All Rights Reserved

                                                Flash generators Copyright 2002   by Guistuff  All Rights Reserved

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